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클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418 > 스포츠·레저

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클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418 > 스포츠·레저

클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
판매가격 20,809,000원
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모델 클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418
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  • 클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418


  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418

    Cleveland Men's ZipCore XL Irons


    • ZipCore Technology in the #8-SW sets the CG right where you strike the ball, giving you more consistent performance and enhanced forgiveness
    • AI-designed MainFrame in the #4-7 irons is a system of channels and cavities carefully milled into the backside of the face to maximize flex at impact
    • MainFrame boosts COR while also repositioning mass for a lower CG, creating faster ball speeds plus more consistency and forgiveness
    • Hydrazip Technology uses a dynamic blast system designed to maximize spin in wet or dry conditions, ensuring consistent performance
    • XL Head design positions more mass away from the center of the club for more MOI, helping you shots launch high and fly straight
    • Action Mass CB places an 8-gram counterweight at the very top of your grip to promote an easier, more consistent swing
    • V-Shaped sole helps clubhead get through the turf quickly, ensuring a crispy clean strike
    • Lower trailing edge on the back end preserves workability for shaping shots
    • Stock shaft: KBS Tour Lite Steel, UST Helium Nanocore 60 Graphite
    • Stock grip: Lamkin Crossline 360

    Who It's For

    Cleveland ZipCore XL Irons combine distance-focused, forgiving long irons with precise short irons for players seeking power and control from a single set.

    Ideal Spin Performance

    Hydrazip Technology uses a dynamic blast and laser-milled line system, creating roughness to enhance friction, optimizing spin for distance with long irons and control with short irons.

    Reliable, Consistent Aim

    Carefully crafted V-Shaped sole helps clubhead get through the turf quickly, ensuring a crispy clean strike.
    With an elevated leading edge, these irons glide through the turf without dragging, which helps you maintain all that power you generated throughout your swing.

    Easier, More Consistent Swing

    Action Mass CB places an 8-gram counterweight at the very top of your grip to promote an easier, more consistent swing.


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    품명 클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418
    모델명 클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418
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  • 클리블랜드 남성용 집코어 XL 아이언 세트 210418